Prevention and straight talk with your kids is the Ultimate Self Defense

By Shihan Nancy Walzog
Owner, Satori Academy of Martial Arts

Summer vacation is an exciting time for kids.  Whether it’s family vacation, biking in the neighborhood, new summer camp experiences, or playing videogames way past their bedtime; summer is fun, to be sure.  But summer can also pose some serious safety hazards that parents might not think about until it’s too late.

As a martial arts instructor, I always think “safety first.”  In addition to teaching kids all of the fun physical martial arts skills that kids love, we also include lessons from “School Safe, Street Safe,” a Nationally-recognized program which addresses topics such as dealing with bullies with confidence, water safety, fire safety, good touch/bad touch, what to do if you get lost, stranger danger, and cyber safety, all at an age appropriate level.  

Of course, there is no substitute for parents talking to their kids about these important issues at home.  Here are some basics you’ll want to review with your child before the summer season gets underway.

  1. Dealing with a bully a camp.  Role play with your child, teaching him to make good eye contact and use his voice and body language to assertively say “No, stay back.” If he does encounter a bully, remind him to immediately tell a counselor and to tell you as soon as he gets home.
  2. Getting Lost – Discuss, ahead of time, what to do as a family to stay together in crowds, to look for a person in uniform if he gets lost, and most importantly, make sure he has your cell phone number memorized.  Practice your cell phone number with your child regularly.
  3. Water safety – Never swim without your permission and adult supervision.
  4. Bike Safety – Insist that he wears a helmet at all times.
  5. Wear Sunscreen  – All the time.
  6. Stranger Danger – Remind your child never to talk to strangers, even if he or she seems nice.  Never accept rides, gifts or offer help to anyone without your permission.
  7. Neighborhood Safety – Make sure he tells you where he is and never to go into any neighbor’s home without your permission.
  8. Internet Safety – Set strict guidelines for internet usage, have open passwords so you can check online histories and social media usage, and make sure to remind him NEVER to give out personal information to anyone online, including online gamers playing Xbox, games and apps on their phone, social media, etc.

For further information about child safety and our awesome kids martial arts programs, see our website or call 732-494-2195.