Written by Shihan Kristine Brink of Satori Academy of Martial Arts

  1. Physical Conditioning: training in the martial arts takes care of the Big 3 for overall fitness. The big 3 that are improved with consistent training are strength, endurance and flexibility. Bonus aspects include balance and coordination. The various blocking, punching, kicking and grappling drills help develop muscle tone, test your cardio vascular system and stretch you to your limits in a safe environment.
  2. Mental Focus: because the martial artist is paying close attention to their own movements as well as their opponents, there isn’t much mental space or time to be thinking about anything else. When students are fully engaged, they are in the zone and at their best.
  3. Emotional Control: training emphasizes how to manage stress, frustration and fear. Practicing martial arts encourages patience and resilience, contributing to better emotional health. By understanding and leveraging these benefits, parents can help their children grow into well-rounded individuals.

If you’re interested in learning more about choosing the right martial arts program for your child be sure to check out Satori Academy of Martial Arts.